You can help us Create New Futures in our community!
As many of you know, we’ve had to put into place several new restrictions on textile-based donations this year. New items (wrapped in plastic) are still the easiest items the shelter can accept, however this has meant the number of donations for some of critical needed winters items are much lower than usual.
We are in need of BLANKETS, JACKETS, and SOCKS of all sizes for the upcoming winter season!
Drop-off donations at the shelter can be accepted between 7am – 12pm daily.
Alternatively, if you choose to donate straight through our Amazon Wishlist, you can choose to have the items shipped directly to us. No drop-off needed!
Thanksgiving and the winter holidays are just around the corner as well. Usually this is a time when we are able to welcome groups of all sizes to help bring cheer to our residents, especially the children.
This year we’ll be taking extra precautions and will not be allowing walk-in volunteers during the holidays, however we could still use some extra holiday help.
For starters, be on the lookout for when turkey prices start dropping at the grocery store. We’ll be putting out a call for those next month but that will come quicker than we think.
We have also already started our annual gift drive for the children at St. Francis House and Arbor House! Check out what items can be shipped to our facility so the kids can celebrate the holidays this year!
To find out specific details about other ways to help this holiday season, please contact the Volunteer Services Manager, Katelyn Drummet, at 352-378-9079 x317 or katelynd@fqg.ola.mybluehost.me.